ST Cube.AI for inertial processing

With AI / Deep-Learning all over the news, it was only a matter of time until we too got involved. In fact, we got started with Deep-Learning almost 2 years ago when ST showed us an impressive demo of their first inference engine running on an STM32 mcu. Since then, we’ve worked on developing our Deep-Learning skills targeting the amazing Cube.AI tool from ST.

Our first production-grade device to leverage the power of Deep-Learning is a sport wearable that uses inertial sensors to detect / track human motions. The ST Machine Learning team was instrumental in getting us up to speed with both this new paradigm that is Deep-Learning (for typical embedded engineers) and with the embedded integration.

If you’re curious about Deep-Learning in general and/or embedded integration on low-cost micro-controllers, I encourage you to learn about the Cube AI. ST just released a webinar video in which SIANA presents their experience (~38:10min.)

sylvain bernard